
The construction industry has one of the highest rates of work-related injuries and fatalities. Therefore anything that can be done to manage health and safety is a key priority and always worthwhile.

Implementing an ISO45001 Health & Safety Management system provides a robust framework to demonstrate you take health and safety seriously and taking a proactive approach towards managing your safety issues, and how you report incidents and ensure continuous improvement.

Environmental impacts is another area in which construction is being ever held ever more accountable. The ISO14001 Environmental Management standard aims to promote a culture of protecting and prioritising the environment.  The legislation in this area is complex and our consultants can help you figure out what is applicable to your organisation.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, also known as CDM Regulations or CDM 2015, came into force on 6 April 2015. These regulation govern the way construction projects of all sizes and types are planned in the UK.

Whatever your role in construction, CDM aims to improve health and safety in the industry by helping you to:

  • sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to finish
  • have the right people for the right job at the right time
  • cooperate and coordinate your work with others
  • have the right information about the risks and how they are being managed
  • communicate this information effectively to those who need to know
  • consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed

If we can help your construction business understand its regulatory obligations and help you develop and implement robust management standards and systems please get in touch.

How to improve your construction activities:

Train your staff

We offer training for a variety of safety and health topics.   Physical aspects such as manual handling and fire safety will help protect your staff on all sites whilst your Senior Management may need a refresher in the CDM regulations.

More and more construction companies are sending their staff on the IOSH Environment for Business course to raise awareness of their impact on their surroundings.

All courses are delivered through First Quality Solutions, our division dedicated to delivering high quality and industry accredited training.

Health & Safety Support

Our Health & Safety consultants provide real life guidance on issues which your workforce face.  Whether you are accessing confined spaces, working at height or working with a range of dangerous substances, we can help you understand what is required to comply with your legal obligations and minimise risk.


Example expertise

Case Study

Lindhurst Airlift achieve ISO9001 and ISO14001

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Our Accreditations & Partnerships

ISO 9001:2015
Investors in People Gold
Cyber Essentials
RISQS Verified
RISQS Audited
BSI Associate Consultant Scheme
East Midlands Chamber
Rail Forum
Marketing Derby Bondholder
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